Baltimore Museum of Art

Upon visiting the Baltimore Museum of Art this past week, a lot of the artwork that I observed sparked my interest. However, 3 pieces in particular caused me to go back and look deeper at the piece. The first one, and the one that I looked at the longest would be Washerwomen by Pierre-Auguste Renoir. The composition of this piece at first glance looked to me like the Golden Triangle, going from the standing woman to the two women kneeling by the water and then to the young child. The more I looked at the painting, I noticed that the Rule of Thirds could also apply going both horizontally and vertically. I also noticed some implied lines in this, one being the outline of the water. I was drawn to this piece first by the colors. In the photo, the colors are not as vibrant and pigmented as in real life, however I liked the neutral and pastel colors incorporated. I also like the way the women are painted, they all look very soft and gentile. The second piece that I found to...